I feel so healthy. Thanks to the Fresh 20 and my Vitamix purchase the past couple of weeks, I have significantly limited my processed and junk food intake. Meals for the Fresh 20 lunch and dinner are made with simple ingredients - nothing really from a can or package, and it has been smoothies in the morning for breakfast every day! AND I am once again Coke free.
Needless to say - I am loving this healthy-living lifestyle. Although don't get me wrong - I will still eat things like hamburgers and cake when the craving strikes, but it's nice to be eating mostly healthy things overall.
As for if this is helping my workouts, that has yet to be determined.
After taking pretty much a week off (last week was a 'recovery' week, don't judge), Saturday it was time to get back in the pool, and follow that up with a three mile run. The swim went swimmingly (haha), and I definitely feel more confident about my ability in the water. I even graduated to learning how to breathe on the left (versus my natural right). Although I think breathing on the left feels like I am learning how to write with my left hand, so progress has been slow so far. I also swallowed a few more gallons of pool water in the process.
Nothing fancy on the run, other than it was once again cold outside, and I ran the full three miles without a break (minus stop lights, since I really don't want to get ran over by a car).
With no officially scheduled practice on Sundays, Mark and I decided to head to the pool to work on our swimming sans coaches. We pretty much know what we are doing, but it is definitely harder when you don't have someone super experienced watching and helping you out along the way.
For some reason, the solo swimming on Sunday wore me out. Of course we went first thing Sunday morning, and I was just tired the rest of the day - like, couldn't keep my eyes open, took a nap, and still went to bed at 8pm tired. Must have been the two days of swimming in a row...
...except then we went swimming Monday night too! We will get this swimming down. Every time I get in the pool, it is a little easier, and I've started to alternate breathing left and then right on my laps. I feel like I am really starting to get it, although to outsiders, it must still look like I am drowning. The guy who was in the lane next to me last night literally asked me if I was doing alright multiple times. At least this time I wasn't extremely tired afterwards, and managed to stay up until my usual bed time.
This morning was the usual 4:45am wake up call to be at the gym at 5:30 for a spin class and then run. I survived spin, and with legs on fire ran 1.6 miles. We were only supposed to run 15 minutes or two miles, whichever came first. I went 1.6 in about 16 and could have kept going for at least another 15 minutes, I think. For the first time, I was feeling good on the run - building that lung capacity slowly but surely.
To increase our running capacity, we are on the hunt for some races that stretch our usual runs out a bit - something longer than a 5k. We have a 5 miler coming up in May, so hopefully we are ready for that when the time comes. If we can make that - 6.2 should be no problem. Then we just have the bike and swim to worry about!
PS - I finally made homemade peanut butter in my Vitamix - and it is amazing! All I had to put in there was peanuts, nothing else.
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