Wednesday, August 13, 2014

a weekend of epic proportions

After running my eight miles on Thursday, I wanted to keep the momentum going into the weekend.  Especially with the triathlon coming up in two weeks I felt one of the last weekends before the event was a great time to test some physical limits. 

Mark and I got up bright and early (6am) on Saturday to head out for a swim in the lake.  We hopped on our bikes and got to the lake, only to be unable to get in due to huge waves and choppy water.  As much as I wanted to get in, Mark was right in deciding not to.  We would have been miserable, as well as not really accomplished what we wanted to do.  So we opted for a 10 mile bike ride instead, and then a short fun to follow.  I was going to head to the pool and get in a swim later in the day (since we skipped our usual class to head to the lake instead), but that never happened.  Market Days on Halstead was this past weekend so the street was closed by our place and getting around was harder than usual (never thought I’d move away from the train and turn into a bus-loving traveler and feel stranded when my access was cut off).  Plus, I had 400 circles to cut out for the wedding, so that kept me pretty busy.

400+ circles for a backdrop – I sure hope this turns out!

Sunday morning we got up bright and early again (6am – which I feel like this time I should say is earlier than we usually get up during the week, unless we are doing a workout), this time for my 10k.  I opted to run the Chicago 10k this weekend because I thought it would be a good gauge of where I am at for the run ahead of the triathlon.  I’m pleased with my performance and for more information check out my race recap post. 

After the 10k, we went back to the apartment to refuel and then headed to the pool.  Mark swam about 900M and I swam about 720M.  The swim was pretty easy – it’s nice to know I am good at distance in the pool, and I am slowly building confidence that it will eventually translate to the open water.  After the swim I was spent, so after some grocery shopping we spent the rest of the day watching The Wire.  Luckily we only have three more episodes to go before we’re done with the series.  That show has been horribly addicting and has consumed far too much of my life over the past month.  Eat, work, train, Wire, sleep has been my schedule for far too long now.

The plan is to go to the lake tomorrow after work to swim and complete what we couldn’t on Saturday.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

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