Wednesday, June 25, 2014

chlorine blue blues

Guys, this morning I thought I was being a genius with my daily breakfast smoothie – it varies from day-to-day, but today it was milk, banana, spinach, avocado, strawberries – and thought I’d add some chocolate in there because that just seemed like a good thing to do at the time.  Plus Mark didn’t want one this morning so I was free to experiment (claims he is ‘kind of burnt out,’ whatever that means). 

Well I found a recipe that told me how to do it and I added some cocoa powder to the mix.  The recipe actually called for cacao powder.  I didn’t realize there was a difference, but apparently there is, because I would never recommend this to anyone.  The horrid bitter taste is still there and I think it will be for the foreseeable future.  I hate wasting things (and the nutrients!) so I made myself drink three-quarters of it before admitting defeat in finishing this thing.  It was awful, never again (unless maybe I get some cacao instead).

I actually purchased a superfood smoothie cookbook awhile back (Superfood Smoothies) to switch up my smoothie game and haven’t made anything out of there yet – those superfoods are expensive.  Although my goal is to get them little by little and eventually start making the smoothies from that book.  But much like everything else in my life, I have good intentions of doing something but I just haven’t found the time to follow through.  Like cooking out of all the other cookbooks I’ve bought and all the recipes I’ve pinned from Pinterest, among other things…

But I am dedicated to my triathlon training, so at least I can count on myself for that.  On Monday evening Mark and I decided to go for a swim after work.  I would have to say that this was one of the more successful swims that I had ever taken – my form was on point and as a result I wasn’t as winded as I usually found myself.  We didn’t swim that far – about 600 to 700 meters in total since we’re keeping the exercises this week short and sweet ahead of Sunday. 

Usually after swimming about 600 – 700 meters I am beat and out of breath, but like I said, not with this particular swim.  Maybe I finally found my rhythm, or maybe I was just having a good day.  Either way I am not complaining.  I often find myself frustrated after swimming, so it was nice to come away feeling really good. 

It’s funny, because of the three events – swim, bike, run – I feel there is the most worry with the swim when I am talking with people or reading about triathlons.  I’ve personally found that I really enjoy the swim aspect, and maybe someday it could be my jam.  Which is, of course, completely opposite of what I would have ever thought for myself.  Yes, there are days I get frustrated with myself and my progress – that I am not swimming far enough, or fast enough, or find myself completely out of breath early in a workout – but then I remember that I didn’t even know how to swim (outside of the doggy paddle) before the end of February.  I have to remember I can’t turn into a champion swimmer overnight, and that many of the people I’m training with have been swimming a lot longer than me!

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