Sunday, June 1, 2014

where are all these bruises coming from? ...and a bonus **house pics**

My body has never been so tired.  Ok, that is probably a slight exaggeration, but this weekend has been one of little sitting (that's also not true, but of little sitting).  It's about 5:30pm and I think I have been on my feet from about 7am this morning until well, now.  

As with every Saturday, we got up early and went to our 8am swim/run training class.  This past week was a recovery week, so we were taking it easy.  Or so we thought!  While it didn't feel like it in the class, my arms were dead after.  Maybe it was taking a weekend off from Memorial Day weekend spent in KC and then coming back to the pool (but not like this was the first time swimming since two weeks ago!).  I don't know what caused it, but my arms were, and still are, dead after.  

After the swim, we set out for our run.  Pretty much everyone stuck to three miles this time.  I was feeling really good for the first half, and then the second half something switched and it got real hard real quick.  And my legs were killing me after.  So my arms and legs are dead at this point.

Naturally, Mark and I thought yesterday would be a good time to go do some shopping downtown.  I really wanted to find some wedding shoes, and he just wanted to get out for a bit.  Well, I am sure I did not find any wedding shoes, but I did come back with a dress, four shirts, a pair of shorts, and a different pair of shoes.  One of the shirts is even flamingo print (Sarah - you would love it I am sure :).  But besides the haul I came home with, we did some killer walking while we were out - and we were out for a long time.  So we spent the night watching some movies instead of doing anything else.  I'd recommend Secret Life of Walter Mitty, but you should skip Wolf of Wall Street - it was about three hours long and after I watched it I was confused why it even was a movie.  Good think Leo didn't get his Oscar for this one, because if he ever does end up winning one, I would like for it to be an actually good movie!

But I digress.  Back to being tired.  Since yesterday we didn't wear ourselves out enough, we thought it would be a good idea to get up at 7am and head to the gym for some strength training.  So we did.  Also - did I mention we bike to and from the gym, just for a little extra.  Well the three flights of stairs up to my apartment after that was just awful.  

But I wasn't done yet.  Still had to go grocery shopping (and I swear I just bought only heavy things), and then I cleaned for about three hours.  But I had to clean, because I wanted to show you pictures of the apartment!

In a completely random order because I took them as I cleaned....

Here's a picture of our second bedroom/current office.

A second view of the office/bedroom.  Side note: the light fixtures in this place are super fun - all of the main rooms have different ones, and they are all very unique.

Master bath.  Also, I don't have a picture to share of the master bedroom.  Today was laundry day so there are currently a lot of unfolded clothes on the bed, and I thought you might not like to see that :)

Shot of the living room.  Yeah, we hung that TV last weekend.  It only took one trip to Home Depot and about four hours of my life.  But not a bad job, right?  Might need a bit higher TV stand now...

A view of the living space.

The kitchen - my favorite place so far.  Also - see that pan on the stove - everyone should have that exact pan.  It will change your life.

View of the balcony and our lovely view of the back alley and parking lot.  It might not be the best view, or a front street view (duh, since we are unit 3R), but at least we have a pretty open view and aren't staring at two separate brick walls like we were at our last place (also, we get a killer breeze in this place - which has been a lifesaver since our A/C is not functioning properly at the moment (the one thing that the home inspector couldn't inspect in the dead of winter!)).

Here's another view of the living area, with Mark lounging on the couch watching some soccer game, of course.

View down the hallway - yes, the hallway!  All the doors are no longer off of a one room square :)

View of our shared back deck, and yes, that is TWO outdoor spaces in case you were counting.  Grill to come on our area later this week, yum.

And last, but certainly not least, our second bathroom.  I lied earlier when I said the kitchen was my favorite.  The fact that there is a second (full) bathroom is my favorite.  Did I also mention we never run out of hot water because our building has a shared boiler water heater? Don't all come visit at once :)

So there is our apartment.  I kind of like it :) and the area - I thought I was happy where we were before, but this place is so different and in such good ways.  So really - come visit!

At this point, you're probably wondering why the title of the post, I have not read anything about bruises.  Well, here is what happened:

Yesterday I was looking at my legs and talking to Mark and noticed my left leg is especially bruised up lately, and not getting any better.  So of course I wonder out loud, "Wonder where all these bruises are coming from?" To which he replies, "Well, you're pretty clumsy, so I'm not really surprised."

Today we go get our bikes to head to the gym.  As I am getting on, I hit my left leg on the pedal, right where all my bruises are located.  Mystery solved.

Until next time, friends!

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